Great Whites, Tigers and Makos! Oh My!

Introducing the Mako - Small but deadly!

Introducing the Mako - Small but deadly!

The Mako may be the smallest of the trio, but don't let that trick you; he's fast as hell and twice as mean. With a sleek but fragile frame the Mako is built for speed and agility. With great finesse and carefully aimed attacks the Mako excels in one-on-one combat. Using his smaller frame to slip in and out of rooms, divers are sure to keep on their toes as he whisks their allies into the dark.

Introducing the Tiger - Earn your stripes!

Introducing the Tiger - Earn your stripes!

The Tiger is a real man eater, and his striped hide makes him hard to spot. With a solid build and powerful muscles, the Tiger is adaptable to a wide variety of strategies ranging from hit-and-run to all out aggression. Putting his bulky framework to use means the Tiger is more than capable of taking a few bullets before making a lively escape.

(Re)Introducing the Great White - Kind of a big deal!

(Re)Introducing the Great White - Kind of a big deal!

The Great White is as large as he is dangerous. With the introduction of shark classes we've reworked the Great White into a close quarters powerhouse taking full advantage of his enormous size. Being both slow moving and hard hitting the Great White will continue his onslaught as bullets and spears sail his way.

New Map: Devil's Head

New Map: Devil's Head

Devil's Head – A flourishing gold mine turned abandoned shark haven. With three floors of winding tunnels and large excavated rooms, Devil's Head focuses on indoor combat within its flooded halls. Vertical exploration is a huge part of Devil's Head - as S.T.E.V.E. and the divers wind deeper in the mine, the sharks come and go as they please using deserted elevator shafts and busting through aged wooden structures. Divers and Sharks alike will be sure to find themselves adapting and working together within this sunken quarry!

Depth Editor

Depth Editor

We'll be reeling in DepthED with the Big Catch Update for those of you looking to dive deeper into Depth. This is a full suite of editing tools that allows players to create their own maps and mods for the game. If you'd like to know more and talk about the Depth Editor join us on our Steam Forums – Mapping and Modding subforum. We can't wait to sink our teeth into what you guys release.

The Shark Screen – Invi-sea-bility cloak The Shark Screen – Invi-sea-bility cloak The Shark Screen – Invi-sea-bility cloak

Gear up! – New Diver Equipment

The Shark Screen – Invi-sea-bility cloak

Sharks are darn good at sensing but why let them! Utilizing a wide range of electro-magnetic frequencies the Shark Screen will disrupt the senses of any shark as long as it's powered on and make any diver inside its effective area undetectable. However with portability comes fragility, any shark that gives it a good ram should send it flying away in pieces.

Vânătoare Megalodon

Hunt the greatest predator the oceans have ever seen!

Megalodon Hunt is an all-new game mode for Depth. Five divers face off against the greatest and most ferocious shark conceivable - the powerful Megalodon. Megalodon Hunt is void of S.T.E.V.E. and instead of focusing on room-to-room combat concentrates on map-wide chaos. Divers scramble for treasure as the Megalodon puts up a relentless fight, however as divers get stronger the tables turn and the hunter becomes hunted.

Upgrade your weapons!

As divers collect treasure in Megalodon Hunt their weapons will automatically upgrade to become mightier. However, the Megalodon is a bit of kleptomaniac and will rid you of your best weapon after an attack, no worries though as you can always get a new one with more treasure.

Hunt the hunter!

If the Megalodon moves too slowly he will be spotted by Captain Stubbs on the boat revealing his position to all players until the Megalodon gives Stubbs the slip again. Use these opportunities to chase into the dark after the beast using a generously donated DPV.

Slay the beast!

When the Megalodon is slain the killer will take his place in the deep and become the definitive badass of the sea.

The Big Catch Achievements

We've added a whole host of new achievements to Depth!

Ultima răsuflare Ultima răsuflare: În timp ce ai un nivel scăzut de sănătate, omoară 50 de rechini cu cuțitul de scufundări.
Ave Maria Ave Maria: Reușește aruncarea unei genți cu comori către S.T.E.V.E. la o distanță mai mare de 20 metri. Dificultăți tehnice Dificultăți tehnice: Ca rechin, distruge 50 de geamanduri sonar.
Pot roboții să plângă? Pot roboții să plângă?: Ca rechin, dezactivează S.T.E.V.E. de 50 de ori. Marea Roșie Adâncă Marea Roșie Adâncă: Ca rechin, ucide 1.000 de scafandri.
Cu fața la inamic Cu fața la inamic: Ca rechin, ucide 25 de scafandri cu minele lor. Exploratorul îndrăzneț Exploratorul îndrăzneț: Recuperează comori în valoare de 10.000 $ din locuri aflate la cel puțin 30 metri distanță de S.T.E.V.E.
Vânătorul vânat Vânătorul vânat: Etichetează 100 de rechini ceea ce duce la moartea lor. O, daaaaaa! O, daaaaaa!: Ca rechin, treci printr-un perete și prinde un scafandru pe cealaltă parte cu un singur salt.

Including 4 new Megalodon Hunt achievements!

Vor avea nevoie de o barcă mai mare Vor avea nevoie de o barcă mai mare: Ca Megalodon, ucide 10 Scafandri într-o singură viață. Cursa Armelor Cursa Armelor: Fii primul jucător care ajunge la Harponul exploziv într-un joc de Vânătoare Megalodon.
Subaltern Subaltern: Ucide Megalodonul fără ajutor din partea altor scafandri. Cu cât cad mai rău Cu cât cad mai rău: Dă lovitura ucigătoare pentru 100 Megalodoni.

The Big Catch este o actualizare GRATUITĂ pentru Depth. Cumpără Depth acum prin Humble Store sau de pe Steam!