The Aquatics Research Lab, a subdivision of a military base deep in the ocean at an undisclosed location has had... a leak. If it was water this would be a small problem, but unfortunately it's a test-subject from the Specimen Program which has made it to open water. Rumored to have returned home to an abandoned pumping station, the lab have tasked two of their top scientists with its recovery... dead or alive.
Shelly: Lead scientist for the Specimen Program at the Aquatics Research Lab, Shelly specializes in cybernetic organisms and was responsible for the creation of Specimen 8. After Specimen 8's escape to open water, Shelly was tasked with recovery of the beast due to her intimate knowledge of its systems and capabilities.
Finn: An astute surgeon and well read marine biologist, Finn oversees all medical operations and upgrades within the Specimen Program. With considerable experience handling the beasts, Finn was the first choice to join Shelly in the recovery of Specimen 8 after its escape from the Aquatics Research Lab.
Coming in telescopic and night vision flavors, scopes are a brand new type of upgrade for the: ADS Rifle, APS Rifle, Spear Gun, and Harpoon!
Depth's main menu has been expanded with a new area for browsing and managing skins. Preview and apply skins that you have access to, see how unlockable skins are gained, and purchase paid skins all from within the game.
All new and future skins will be available only through the in-game store, and all old skins are now available through the in-game store.
Fresh Blood is a FREE update for Depth. Buy Depth now through the Humble Store or get it on Steam!