Depth має безліч різних середовищ, у яких можна загинути, усі вони однаково страшні для драйверів і небезпечні для акул.

antiguoantiguo Hovered


Depth Team

The ancient ruins of an Aztec outpost, perched on a hill that now sits beneath the waves. Moonlit and surreal. (Кров і золото, Полювання Мегалодон, Класика)

covecove Hovered


Depth Team

These secluded shallows were the site of a violent air battle during the second world war. Now they are home to abnormally large and territorial sharks who have already killed several local fishermen. (Кров і золото, Полювання Мегалодон, Класика)

crudecrude Hovered


Depth Team

An off-shore oil platform that has had a catastrophic failure and sunk to the bottom of the sea. Oil is leaking into the area, hiding an even more deadly threat. (Кров і золото, Полювання Мегалодон, Класика)

fracturedfractured Hovered


Depth Team

A massive container ship broke in two here, sinking into the bay. It was rumored to be carrying valuable cargo on its ill-fated final voyage. (Кров і золото, Хованки, Класика)

olmecolmec Hovered


Depth Team

The sunken ruins of an ancient Aztec fortress. Has a simple largely symmetrical layout which makes it a great scenario for new players. (Кров і золото, Полювання Мегалодон, Класика)

devilsheaddevilshead Hovered

Devil's Head

Depth Team

A flourishing gold mine turned abandoned shark haven. With three floors of winding tunnels and large excavated rooms, Devil's Head focuses on indoor combat within its flooded halls. (Кров і золото)

galleongalleon Hovered


Depth Team

The wreck of a Spanish War Galleon, El Magdalena which met its demise after crossing paths with an English Man-Of-War off the coast of Cuba in 1643. (Кров і золото, Хованки)

wreckwreck Hovered


Depth Team

A cloistered area in the Pacific with scattered remnants of WWII aircraft shot down while returning to their carrier. (Хованки)

hillsidehillside Hovered


Depth Team

A coastal fortress that was the site of many battles during the age of chivalry. It is now a crumbling ruin that has been partly consumed by the sea. (Кров і золото, Полювання Мегалодон)

stashstash Hovered


Depth Team

An abandoned submarine base off the coast of Cuba. Built in the cold war era this relic is rumored to hold a large weapon cache that could bring a pretty price to the right buyer. (Кров і золото)

stationstation Hovered


Depth Team

An old disused pumping station, used to refine and filter natural crude oil. (Кров і золото, Хованки)

templetemple Hovered


Depth Team

Built to worship the Aztec goddess of oceans, Chalchiuhtlicue, this now time-worn temple crumbled into the sea during the late-1800's. (Кров і золото)

crashcrash Hovered


Depth Team

Above the basalt caverns rumored to be holding a hidden treasure, lies a WWII bomber in a field of flourishing coral. (Кров і золото)

facilityfacility Hovered

Ohm Base

Depth Team

Built by Impact Labs for Project Ohm, this now abandoned and radiated research base suffered catastrophic failure when their experiment - Zappy - broke free. (Кров і золото)

arcticarctic Hovered


Depth Team

Explore the chilly waters surrounding the Antarctic Research Company. (Кров і золото)