Scafandrii sunt slabi, cu vedere slabă în întuneric și o viteză mai redusă de înot. Însă inteligența, dexteritatea lor și accesul la echipament divers îi pregătesc pentru pericolele care îi pândesc dedesubt. Scafandrii au arme care pot arunca săgeți sau harpoane la distanță mare, în speranța de a ține amenințările la distanță.
Atunci când joci ca scafandru în Depth, ai la dispoziție o varietate de echipamente - și pe măsură ce joci jocul, vei debloca și mai multe echipamente disponibile. Nu doar arme precum Pistoale cu două harpoane, ci și consumabile precum Mine marine și elemente de sprijin, precum Senzor.
When all else fails, this diving knife is the last thing standing between you and the jaws of death.
Aparat sudură
Hyperbaric welding torch that can be used to perform repairs on S.T.E.V.E.
Revolver puternic (Locked)
(To Unlock: Use the Spear Pistol to apply Toxic or Bleed to a shark.) This revolver has been modified to fire specialized large-calibre Microjets.
Costul de achiziție: $800
Pistol Gyro UPR-12 (Locked)
(To Unlock: Get a Long Range Kill with the UPR-17 Gyro Rifle or Heavyjet Revolver) Semi-automatic pistol which fires stabilized Microjet rounds.
Costul de achiziție: $700
Can be upgraded with the following modifiers:
Pistol cu plasă
Fires an entangling net that stops any shark in their tracks.
Costul de achiziție: $1600
Can be upgraded with the following modifiers:
Bang Stick (Locked)
(To Unlock: Use the Net Gun to save a teammate being thrashed by a shark.) A spear with an explosive tip. Jab it into a shark and blow it up from the inside out!
Costul de achiziție: $800
Can be upgraded with the following modifiers:
Senzor (Locked)
(To Unlock: Collect 20 or more pieces of gold in a single game.) The Sensor is both a portable metal detector and a sonar for seeking out sharks and treasure alike.
Costul de achiziție: $300
DPV (Locked)
(To Unlock: Use the Sensor to reveal a shark.) The DPV is a battery powered propulsion vehicle used for covering great distances quickly and efficiently.
Costul de achiziție: $600
Can be upgraded with the following modifiers:
Rachetă semnalizare
These short-lived, high intensity flares could be just the thing you need to light both your way and hostile sea-life.
Costul de achiziție: $50
Geamandură sonar (Locked)
(To Unlock: Use a Flare to reveal a shark.) Perfect for finding sharks in open waters, the Sonar Buoy's soothing 'pings' and revealing light notify divers of hostile sea life before it's too late.
Costul de achiziție: $100
P.A.T. (Locked)
(To Unlock: Use a Sonar Buoy to reveal a shark.) This Portable Aquatic Turret is equipped with a motion sensor, tag detector, and automatic rifle. With a fragile frame and medium battery life, P.A.T. can be deployed to defend an area, or relocated in its non-combative Follow Mode.
Costul de achiziție: $700
Trusă medicală
A deployable first aid kit filled to the brim with drugs and bandages used to get any diver back into fighting shape.
Costul de achiziție: $200
Ecran rechin (Locked)
(To Unlock: Use a Medkit after being wounded.) Utilizes a wide range of electro-magnetic frequencies to disrupt the sharks' senses, making any diver inside its effective area undetectable.
Costul de achiziție: $700
Set consumabile (Locked)
(To Unlock: Turn a Shark Screen off and back on.) A compact kit packed full of flares, sonar buoys, and even a sea mine! Keep stocked on the go!
Costul de achiziție: $600
Mină marină (Locked)
(To Unlock: Pull a Sea Mine from a Supply Kit.) These high explosive mines are a great way to secure a perimeter. Just be sure to keep your distance when they go off...
Costul de achiziție: $200
Mină EMP
Lets off a powerful electro-magnetic pulse when it explodes, disrupting the senses of anybody hit.
Costul de achiziție: $150