The Tiger is a real man eater, and his striped hide makes him hard to spot. With a solid build and powerful muscles, the Tiger is adaptable to a wide variety of strategies ranging from hit-and-run to all out aggression.
Ascunzătoare adaptivă
Devino invizibil.
Durată: 2s
Durată: 3s
Durată: 5s
Lămâie (Locked)
(Win as the Tiger.)
The Lemon is a master of stalking its prey, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.
Fii invizibil până la atac.
Daune mișcări rapide: 100%, Timp reactivare: 20s
Daune mișcări rapide: 120%, Timp reactivare: 18s
Daune mișcări rapide: 130%, Timp reactivare: 15s
Taur (Locked)
(Use the Tiger's Species Ability to hide from a diver.)
The Bull shark is a medium threat with an anger problem, making it an aggressive and unpredictable foe. Though it lacks immediate force, the Bull's true strength lies in its ability to Enrage, temporarily becoming one of the strongest beasts in the sea.
Mărește temporar Sănătatea, Rezistența și Daunele.
Până la: 150% Sănătate, 150% Rezistență, 166% Daune.
Până la: 170% Sănătate, 170% Rezistență, 166% Daune.
Până la: 200% Sănătate, 200% Rezistență, 166% Daune.
Arămiu (Locked)
(Win as the Bull.)
The Copper shark is fast, strong, and full of rage. Although smaller, the Copper has a knack for channeling its rage to survive against all odds.
A devenit temporar de neucis.
100% Câștig furie
120% Câștig furie
140% Câștig furie
Marele alb (Locked)
(Use the Bull's Species Ability with full rage.)
The Great White is as large as he is dangerous. Being both slow moving and hard hitting the Great White will continue his onslaught as bullets and spears sail his way.
Suferă mai puține vătămări.
Durată: 3s, Reducere vătămări: 30%
Durată: 3s, Reducere vătămări: 40%
Durată: 3s, Reducere vătămări: 50%, Ignoră plasele/ încetinitorul pentru durata respectivă.
Vulpe (Locked)
(Use the Great White's Species Ability to successfully mitigate damage.)
The Thresher doesn't look notably dangerous with its unassuming jaws, however its true weapon is a long, blade-like tail capable of lacerating and disorienting multiple prey at once.
Lovitură de coadă
Provoacă daune într-o zonă mică.
40 Daune
50 Daune, Distruge pereți
60 Daune, Distruge pereți și consumabile
Rechin-ciocan (Locked)
(Use the Thresher's Species Ability and hit two or more divers at once.)
The Great Hammerhead fights tooth and nail as he thrashes and bashes prey to a crimson pulp. Unique to the Hammerhead is the ability to passively crush enemies, fast and direct hits into any solid object will cause prey in his jaws to take damage proportional to the force.
Forță necruțătoare
Lovește obiecte pentru a recâștiga Rezistență.
Durată: 4s
Durată: 6s
Durată: 6s, Acum oferă suplimentar HP înapoi.
Mako (Locked)
(Using the evolution Powerful Tail, crush a diver with the Hammerhead.)
The Mako may be a smaller shark, but don't let that trick you; he's fast as hell and twice as mean. With a sleek but fragile frame the Mako is built for speed and agility.
Marcare pradă
Marchează un scafandru. Ucide ținta pentru Puncte de Evoluție.
Marchează durata: 6s, Bonus Punct Evoluție: 5, Timp reactivare: 12s
Marchează durata: 12s, Bonus Punct Evoluție: 10, Timp reactivare: 12s
Durată marcaj: 18s, Bonus Punct Evoluție: 15, Timp reactivare: 12s
Albastru (Locked)
(Win as the Mako.)
The Blue is a nimble shark with a unique sense of smell. Smelling out delicious prey, the Blue can help other sharks heal, or perform its own hit and run attacks.
Poftă bună!
Aplică un Marcaj pe scafandrul cu care se confruntă Albastrul. Dacă ținta moare în timp ce Marcajul este activ, ucigașul își vindecă instantaneu o parte a sănătății sale.
Durată marcaj: 6s, Cantitate vindecată: 30, Timp reactivare: 12s
Marchează durata: 12s, Cantitate vindecată: 60, Timp reactivare: 12s
Durată marcaj: 18s, Cantitate vindecată: 90, Timp reactivare: 12s
Spiriduș (Locked)
(Use the Mako's Species Ability to gain bonus Evolution Points from your teammate killing the marked target.)
The Goblin is best known for its terrifying extendable jaw packed full of needle-like teeth, and its distinct surfboard shaped nose. Although sluggish in nature, the Goblin makes up for this in combat with its intimidating appearance known to incite panic in divers.
Creează o iluzie.
Sănătate halucinație: 1
Sănătate halucinație: 60
Sănătate halucinație: 120
Înotătoare oceanică (Locked)
(Use the Goblin's Species Ability to have two Hallucinations active at the same time.)
The Oceanic Whitetip stalks the open seas and has been involved in a number of major incidents with shipwreck survivors. Often seen living in a mutualistic relationship with pilot fish, the Oceanic Whitetip and its friends live and die together.
Atacă/ Protejează
Comută între modurile Atac și Protecție.
Atac: 32 daune per secundă, Protecție: 30% reducerea daunelor
Atac: 40 daune per secundă, Protecție: 40% reducerea daunelor
Atac: 48 daune per secundă, Protecție: 50% reducerea daunelor
Rechin vulpe (Locked)
(Win as the Thresher.)
Famous for its huge eyes and lethal whip-like tail, this Thresher knocks back its prey, then delivers its killing blow.
Rănește scafandrii împingându-i.
Forță doborâre: 1200, Rază: 700, Scară daune: 6%
Forță doborâre: 1400, Rază: 700, Scară daune: 6%
Forță doborâre: 1600, Rază: 700, Scară daune: 6%